Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Duke Lacrosse end result as expected

When the whole Duke Lacrosse sexual assault allegations came out, it sure sounded to me like some low life wanting to profit from a bunch of rich White boys. As it turns out, I wasn't far off. As I figured, the charges against the three defendants were dropped today. If they are in deed not guilty, then I rejoice. If they were actually guilty, then justice was not served. Granted, nobody in the general public knows all the details, but from all I heard (and who in the Triangle area hasn't heard tons of coverage for the last 13 months?) the entire case seemed to be a sham and Mike Nifong was incredibly irresponsible.

It seems that there was insufficient evidence to proceed. There was not some technicality, there was just plain insufficient evidence.

In such a case, the complaintant should end up paying for legal fees incurred by the three families. Also, Mike Nifong, the State, and the governmental agencies responsible should be liable for expenses, as well. It is only fair. Three young men had their lives put on hold, names disgraced, reputations ruined, and education deferred. This is just wrong and true justice would be to have their expenses covered at a minimum.

This was a political manuveur by Mike Nifong, pure and simple. There were great inconsistencies in testimony and evidence. I am just glad it is over now, because we have heard way too freakin' much about this case over the past year. North Carolina and Duke University have been inpugned across the nation. One woman with false allegations has seriously injured the lives of three families, an entire sports team, and a university. Nifong will get what he deserves, I hope.

The only person who really benefitted from this was a no talent radio hack named Kevin Miller who got incessant national television and radio time as an "expert" on the case. I am glad he is torturing the ears of other radio listeners in another state now.

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