Monday, June 19, 2006

Beware of falling brimstone

How can anyone claim to be a church leader, represent Jesus Christ and God the Father, have the Spirit dwell within them, and then totally go contrary to the very thing they claim to represent?

I am so tired of people justifying their horrendous sin as being normal, natural, God created, or any other name you want to give it. The biggest issue I have seen with this is homosexuality. Here is part of an article I just read:

Newly elected leader of the U.S. Episcopal Church Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori said on Monday she believed homosexuality was no sin and homosexuals were created by God to love people of the same gender.

First, the correct word is not gender, it is sex. Next, is the problem of the election of a female bishop. In the Bible, bishops are neither female nor elected. Then the obvious condoning of a sin that is an abomination. I won't get into the female issue at the moment, but I am just plain heart broken that the Church that I am a part of, the Body of Christ, the betrothed of the Lord would even consider condoning sin.

Love the same gender? There are men in my life whom I love. There are women in my life whom I love. I do not, however, love a man as I would love a wife. I could write an entire theological treatise on this, but I won't get into it right now. In the words of Bill Engvall, "I just hate stupid people". OK, I don't hate this apostate bishop, but I do hate the sin she accepts and supports. To deny the obvious Biblical position on this is just plain stupid and evil.

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