Monday, April 10, 2006

Wish I was there

When I heard this morning that protests were planned across the country yet again about proposed immigration legislation, I was mildly annoyed. When I heard that one location planned was Smithfield, I really wished that I didn't have work obligations today. I would have bought a bull horn and staged a counter demonstration, even if only by myself. This issue is going to be the source of a lot of friction in this country and in this county in the not too distant future.

Here is the WMPM story:

Protesters March In Downtown Smithfield - Hispanic protesters returned to the streets of Smithfield for a third time on Monday, voicing their disapproval over immigration laws. Two weeks ago, many of the same protesters walked out of class at Smithfield-Selma High to march to the Johnston County Courthouse, where they held a brief demonstration. About 100 protesters were involved in Monday’s march along Market Street .

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