Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I think that I have created a monster

When I first started my first blog, I sort of felt like the end of the TV show "Doogie Howser, MD". When I was going to run for town council here in Selma last year, I started this blog. That has led to some great opportunities and feedback from town officials, friends, strangers, and other assorted readers alike. For that, I am grateful and humbled.

As a result, I present to you Weaver World. Jeff Weaver, Selma Town Councilman, photographer, and all around good guy has entered the "blogoshpere". Jeff is a regular reader who has started his own blog after putting up with mine for a year. I bid you good success, Jeff.

OK, you have his blog link, now go read it. Go. Now. Really. No joke. I am watching. Then again, so is the NSA. Ooops, now we both have a file with the FBI and you can expect an agent to knock on your door any day.

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