Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Let Israel handle their own affairs

I was reading over the past few days about the Israeli and Lebanese fighting. Hezbollah militant Islamic fascists have attacked Israel, kidnapped Israeli soldiers, and have been bombing targets in Israel. For those of you who have read this blog for any length of time, you know that I have been accused of being a zionist. Within the past few days, the person who called me that has even posted an anti-zionist web link on a message board I check and participate on from time to time.

Make no mistake about it...anti-semitism is sinful and contrary to scripture. That is my take on it. I am very much opposed to the evil "religion of peace" of Islam, falsely so called. Our dealing with Afghanistan and Iraq and soon to be Iran is a religious war. Make no mistake about it. We were involved with war against Islam in the First Barbary War. That wasn't good enough, so we had a Second Barbary War. We have had a bunch of skirmishes with militant Islam over the past few decades. Israel deals with it daily.

I read yesterday that the U.S. has told Israel that we will give them one week to pound the crap out of Lebanon and Hezbollah before joining in on opposition to their efforts. We need to cease that position at once and just step back and finally allow Israel to deal with their own problems without intervention.

The U.S. invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. We were attacked on one day (yes, there were others, but one major attack) on our soil. Israel has been putting up with smaller such attacks for sixty years. Rockets have been hitting their cities daily. We dealt with our problems, yet we tell Israel to hold back. We have no right to do so as a nation and should just back off and let Israel do the world a favor in their dealing with militant Islam.


Anonymous said...

Some even among my own family have called me a Zionist with disdain. The particular person who did held to the theory that "the modern state of Israel" is illegitimate. Another comment was that they don't accept the Messiah, Jesus. After having studied the term, I'm really not upset at someone calling me a Zionist. I certainly believe in Yeshua, Jesus the JEWISH Messiah and the first Christians were Jews. Jesus is and always will be a Jew! Recently, Jews for Jesus caught a lot of grief in New York for its aggresive evangelism. There is still this notion that you can't be Jewish and Christian.
I am a Christian who was told by a Holocaust servivor, "I know you are a Gentile, but you have a Jewish heart." Amen, I do.

Anonymous said...

I have a very hard time understanding why so many people criticize Israel. I wish they would go ahead and defeat Syria and Iran while they are at it, but unfortunately other countries (China or the Soviet Union?) would probably get involved at that point.