Monday, May 08, 2006

Various subjects

Teresa is still mourning the death of Sugarbaby. I miss her, too. She was such a normal part of every day life, I keep expecting to see her sitting on the floor when I walk into a room, I catch myself thinking that I have to take her outside to do her business on my lawn, etc. It is amazing how habits and lifestyle still linger. I do miss my pup.

I am also amazed at the infantile ramblings that I see on messageboards by those who are intellectually challenged. By challenged, I don't necessarily mean that they are mentally retarded (but if the shoe fits...) but rather that when someone else actually shows some acumen and challenges their positions, they become intellectually lazy and dismiss issues and information as being "made up". Others just get bitter and ramble on, impugning others.

I wrote the FCC about the establishment of an LPFM. Here is the reply that I got:
Troy, we have not had any windows since the intial filing peirods in 2000 and 2001. Unfortunately, at this time no new filing windows are anticipated. There is a pending rule making outastanidng that will impact on the future of the LPFM service and until the issues assocated with that service are resolved, there is no reason to accept addtional applicaitons. Also, there are several hundred pending translator applications that will have to addressed before we can consider accepting applications for additional LPFM applications which use the same frequencies. My best advice is to bookmark our web page and check that periodically. Any new developments will be posted on that web page long in advance of any actual filing windows time frames. The web site is
It is not looking good for establishing an LPFM any time soon.

Things at work are going to get real interesting soon. There are some major projects coming down the pike that are going to keep me busy beyond my comprehension, most likely. One good thing is that it is a bit more job security for me.

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