Sunday, October 23, 2005

Get your copy of last Thursday's "The Selma News"

I implore you to get a copy of Thursday's "The Selma News". You will have the opportunity to read about three of the four candidates in the upcoming Town Council election. In this write up, I do believe that you will see a strong contrast in the candidates that has not appeared in other publications. The same is true for the mayoral race.

Just based upon the article, there are perspectives/points that you will need to consider in selecting a candidate for town council. Issues brought up that you as a voter will need to consider are:

1. Do you support the idea of town government supported low income housing?
2. Do you believe that recreational programs will be the solution to crime and drug problems?
3. Do you believe that more jobs being brought to Selma will automatically help low income earners?
4. Do you believe that the parks and recreation proposal for three dog parks and seven mini-parks in Selma is appropriate?
5. Do you support systematic town wide planning that is not overly restrictive so as to encourage business, yet does not promote profligate sprawl?
6. Are your water, sewer, and electrical rates too high? Can we cut costs to reduce those rates?

For mayor, the issues just based upon the newspaper article are:

1. Should the town pay for beautification of private property?
2. Should the town give tax breaks to those who wish to renovate their property?
3. Should the town supply health care for its citizens?
4. Are we heading in the right direction with our utility expansion to attract more businesses to Selma?
5. Should the town help businesses expand?

PLEASE, if you have not taken these issues into consideration, please do so. Perhaps I will write more commentary on these individual issues. I will simply close this post with my asking you to become informed as a voter. Look at the issues. Choose candidates that better follow your vision for Selma. It is my hope that your views and my own are the same. So, vote for Troy!

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