Just today, I was writing an email to a list of people. I was talking about the seasons we go through and hearing from God. Interestingly enough, I was thinking about Sept. 11th, 2001 while writing the email and later I find a reminder of that day in my inbox. Here is what I wrote:
I have a question for some of you. Why do so many people assume that God is on our time table? Every year, I get an email or hear a declaration from someone about getting the "prophetic word" for the following year. Why do we stubbornly assume that
a. we even have to get a word for the coming year
b. that God will speak at the end of one of our calendar years
c. that God will speak about the coming calendar year
d. that God is even on our calendar system
Usually, it is some crackpot prophecy catch phrase that is heard. I remember many of them over the years. Stuff like "open heaven in '97", or "come alive in '95", etc. And people buy this garbage and have great rejoicing over some "Al Sharpton wannabe" or Nipsy Russell type saying.
Yes, I do believe that the Spirit does speak to those who are willing to hear and he does reveal his secrets to his servants, the prophets. Some people I know do say that they have a burden to pray and hear at the end of the year for direction for the coming year. I have a better idea...why not be open to hearing ALL the time and live at HIS direction constantly? That is not to say that there is not advance notice given about direction, events, and seasons. I have known about seasons coming to the Body and to me in particular for a long time. Oft times, however, the seasons are shorter or longer than I would have imagined.
I do have a hard time with the end of the year declarations and so called prophecies. None the less, I do still believe in foreknowledge. Here is an example. I knew that Sept. 11th was coming in some form or fashion. I didn't hear about this by the Spirit at the end of 2000, I heard it on Sept 10th, 2001. I just didn't know how or when it was going to happen until I saw the TV coverage the next morning and watched live as the second plane hit the WTC.
Anyway, enough of my soap box pontification. Below is one of the few lists I am still subscribed to. Clay Sikes is overall "a good egg", as a former member of this list described him. I am often in agreement with much of what he writes and says. I wish him the best in his meeting.
----- Original Message -----
From: Lighthouse Prophecy
To: tlaplante@nc.rr.com
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 5:39 AM
Subject: 2006 Prophetic Decree Meeting
Dear List Members,
Seldom do I repeat meeting invitations...but felt STRONGLY impressed of the Spirit to do so. As previously mentioned, we are having a meeting (Church) at our offices in Hinesville, Georgia tomorrow morning, December 23rd, 2005 at 7:00am. At the urging of the Holy Spirit, I urge you to attend if?physically possible.
I cannot tell you in words my level of anticipation, but KNOW that God is going to decree His Word for 2006 in a powerful way!
I trust that this nudge will produce the excitement and expectation that God has released in us about this meeting.

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