Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Wow, I got chewed out today for something I wrote

One of the things that I have been doing on my web site,, is to write restaurant reviews for area establishments. I had pitched the idea earlier this year to "The Selma News" and got no real response or interest on their end. I decided that I have my own platform on which to write, so I will do so. I have written a few reviews, one or two a week.

Just today, I wrote and published my review of McCall's restaurant in Clayton. It didn't take long for the restaurant management to write me SCREAMING IN ALL CAPS to tell me how upset he was about my review. Here is the problem: I was honest in my review. I didn't sugar coat anything and wrote my opinion of the restaurant.

I wish that I could say that I am sorry that they didn't like what I wrote, but it is an opinion column. People disagree with opinions; that is what makes them opinions.

I was asked to come back and give them another chance to show that they are better than my review. I will probably do so. There are other things that I could have included in the review, such as Teresa's love of their biscuits. Then again, I could also have written about my disdain for the lack of real separation between smoking and non-smoking sections in restaurants, such as there at McCall's.

I did not actively try to "ruffle feathers", but that is the nature of an opinion column. I am not purposely trying to "drum up" controversy in order to get readers or site traffic. I'm just being honest.

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