Thursday, November 23, 2006

An obvious double standard

OK, so someone set up a scholarship (and only a $250 one at that) for students to compete to win. The criteria is that to qualify, entrants must be at least one quarter Caucasian. So what? Why the big stink over it? Whites can not get United Negro College Fund money. There are plenty of scholarships available for Negroes, Hispanics, and Asians. There are Black colleges, women's colleges, and many other racial or sexual divides. There is Black History Month, Black Pride rallies, and the like. Let one little scholarship be set up and the criteria is that someone must be...NOT WHITE, just ONE QUARTER White, and people flip out. Hey, many people considered Negro are eligible for this scholarship. Tiger Woods and Halle Berry would qualify.

The double standard is clear. If you are White, only you can be a racist. You are not allowed to have any recognition of your heritage or assist any of your "race". There are no poor White people, apparently, who could use some money to help pay for college. Only Blacks and Hispanics can not afford to go to college without any assistance, is the implication. The man who set up the scholarship said, "There are plenty of poor, white, academically gifted students who need that money just as much." And he is correct.

If someone wants to do whatever he wants with his own money, the world should just shut up about it, be thankful that someone will benefit from that money, and stop looking for things about which to be offended. I paid for my college tuition with numerous small scholarships, just like the one described. Some were as little as $100 or $150. Some were more like $500. Either way, they all added up to a tuition paid education. I still had to provide meals, books, and transportation, but at least the cost of the schooling was covered. I worked full time, almost 60 hours a week to provide for myself.

An article on the scholarship is available here for anyone who wants to read it.

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