Wednesday, November 22, 2006

So much for vacation

There is a large project going on at work. It was originally scheduled for August. Therefore, I didn't take any vacation in August. It was then pushed off until September. So, no September vacation time, except the one week I could squeak in, knowing that the project would not hit that week. October, now November. The one week I did already have scheduled months in advance was the time for the project. The equipment and vendors were finally lined up, and it coincided with my vacation time.

I worked all last week on the project. Now there is a hiatus until next week, when other departments' and vendors' equipment will be ready for my equipment. I took Monday and Tuesday off. I had most of today off when I got a phone call that my coworker that covers the coastal region is taking time off. His wife is having her baby today. We knew it was coming any day. Now I am back to work. My holiday plans just changed, and I am liable to end up working instead of enjoying a few more days off.

I am trying to merely grin and make the best of it. It is just very typical of my entire life, it seems.

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