Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Just saw the GOP Presidential debate

The 90 minute debate just finished. There were a couple of good lines. One was about Congress/Republicans spending money like John Edwards at a beauty shop. The second was by Tom Tancredo about trusting "conversions" of position on the road to Damascus, not on the road to DeMoines. Good lines.

I saw Rudy Giuliani and McCain both had a problem with not answering the question posed. Another candidate did the same, but I can't remember which one. I sat and commented a couple of times to the TV "but you didn't answer the question that was posed".

Probably the least quizzed candidate was Ron Paul. I normally like Paul, and agree with most of his positions. I even partly agree with his position about the true conservative position of non-intervention in our foreign policy. I do strongly disagree with him, however, that the main reason for the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 was because of our presence and intervention in the Middle East. Sure, it was a contributing factor, but certainly not the main or only reason. The truth of the matter is that radical Islam is evil. They hate freedom loving people. They consider us infidels. The western culture was built on primarily Christian philosophy. The teachings of their religion demands the death of Christians and infidels. They vow to kill us. Period.

Sorry, Rep. Paul, but this is one particular with which I strongly disagree with you. I agree that we have to get out of the 130 countries in which we are spread. We need to change our foreign policy dramatically. However, our presence just is not why the Muslims hate us.

Make no mistake, the so called "war on terrorism" is a war on radical Islam.

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