Thursday, April 19, 2007

Been quiet on the blog this week

There isn't much to say, really. I have been working some longer hours and spending time with the wife. Teresa's birthday was Monday. She is getting older each year, as we all are. If she is ever going to squirt me a puppy, she had better do it soon...she ain't getting any younger.

Other than that, I could comment on the shooting at Virginia Tech. But what is there to say that has not already been seen in the media? Some whack job goes postal and the world is stunned. I was dismayed and a bit shocked when I saw a single shooting turn into 32 dead instead of the single killing I first heard about early in the morning.

My heart goes out to the families of the victims, the fellow students, and the faculty of VT. Also to the family of the shooter. The shooter's father, so I read yesterday, committed suicide upon learning about his son's deeds. Sad.

What is just as sad is how this entire scenario was immediately pounced upon by the manipulative and controlling leftists in this nation to force their political agenda and gun control on the public. Gun control laws would never have stopped this rampage. I am a bit amazed at how existing laws did not stop the purchase of two pistols by a man deemed mentally deficient. Existing policies did not stop someone from taking guns onto the campus but certainly kept law abiding citizens from defending themselves and others from evil.

The shooting had just happened and we heard liberals blaming President Bush for the killing by letting the assault weapons ban lapse. First, Congress had to pass a renewed ban, which it did not. George Bush can not veto a bill that does not come to his desk. Secondly, the AWB did not include the weapons this man had. Even the large capacity magazine ban would not have affected this lunatic, since he most likely did not have high capacity magazines.

Don't let the facts stand in the way, though. Liberals who believe that only law enforcement and the military should have weapons were not willing to lay down their lives to save others on that campus...nor were there any law enforcement or military present at the time of the shootings. Ergo, it was and will always be left to the citizenry to stop such madness.

I thought all of this was painfully obvious, so I have not done much writing, nor felt the compulsion to do so. That is the beauty of a blog. I write when I want to.

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