Wednesday, October 11, 2006

#1 Pet Peeve

My biggest "pet peeve" is being lied to. I have gotten more falsehoods lately from people who don't even know me, and it is just wrong. I wrote about one bonehead from California who lied to me about some conversations we had over private messages. I was lied to online in July by someone who is local, but I didn't even know it until today, since I rarely go to that particular message board.

I wrote about how I have been called a Zionist by one man in Raleigh. He wrote about how he has seen my hatred for Roman Catholicism first hand and how I have attacked and villified RC online and in person. The truth of the matter is simply that I mentioned RC doctrine as it relates to replacement theology (which he peddles with his commentary and choice of articles, etc.) and alleged Zionism. All I said is that it is common Catholic doctrine that the Jews no longer have a covenant with God and that the Catholic Church is now the true Jerusalem, or "spiritual Israel". Actually, I didn't even get into that concept as deeply as I just wrote, as it pertains to RC doctrine.

Thus, that part is a total fabrication. The second part of the fabrication is that I have done so in person. For the record, I met this man ONE TIME in my entire life, we had a pleasant meeting at one of the world's smallest political conventions and then went to dinner at Golden Corral together with his wife and another man who was also at the convention (only 15 attendees and two or three of them were not even party members). It is hard to show hatred for Catholic doctrine on a personal basis when you never are in the presence of the person to whom the alleged hatred was shown.

I am just amazed at how brazen people will be online and not in person. I am also amazed at how those who are supposed to be in positions of leadership and "moral superiority" based upon belief system and affiliation show such lapses in honesty. It is also amazing to me how people who profess a better political party will do the very things that they claim are what is wrong with opposition parties. I have about had enough. Scottie, beam me out of here.

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