Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"Christians" against Christianity

Hey, let's toss out everything we are supposed to believe according to scripture and make up our own moral code based upon what feels good and what we "think" Jesus would do. Never mind that the Bible is adamant about the topic of homosexuality. Why not let secular sources dictate our faith? Yeah, that's the ticket.

From The N&O:
Delegates to the annual convention of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina adopted a resolution asking the national body to support the full inclusion of gays and lesbians and to encourage development of liturgies to bless same-sex unions.

The resolution passed by a majority vote of the more than 700 delegates to the convention, which met in Greensboro on Friday and Saturday.

I really detest the "nicer than Jesus" mentality prevalent in most liberal theological circles. It is hypocritical, theologically ignorant, and mostly just plain secular humanism. I have no problems with hypocrisy as long as the perpetrator is up front about the hypocrisy and admits it. However, to be so and act as the holy standard bearer is abhorrent. I have my faults, even a few areas in which I am not really much of a standard bearer, but at least I recognize it and admit it. In other areas, I know I have it right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And still, there remains a remnant driven somewhat underground that still believes the Bible is the Word of God and that homosexuality is SIN. I know, because one of them is a close friend. Please pray for these