Thursday, January 24, 2008

Holy Crap! Troy agrees with the ACLU on something!

It is hard to argue with the sentiment expressed by the ACLU. With all the corruption we have seen in NC government and the fact that government is supposed to be open to the public, I am in full agreement with the ACLU on this one. No, Hell has not frozen over. Every once in a great while, the ACLU gets something right. It is a rarity, but common sense is common sense.

From The N&O:
The Rev. William Barber II is calling for legislative committees to be televised.

The head of the state's NAACP said Wednesday that too much of his group's agenda died last year in committee meetings that were not readily available to the public.

"We need to know what's happening in the committee meetings," he said. "If they can do it for the federal government on C-SPAN, we ought to be doing it in North Carolina.

"Bottom line: Open up this government."

The call comes two weeks after Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Graham called for webcams to broadcast the legislature online.

North Carolina provides live audio for sessions in both chambers, press conferences and all meetings in the Appropriations and Finance Committee rooms, but no video footage is available.

Barber said he would also like to see streaming audio of all of the committees.

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