Thursday, November 03, 2005

Thoughts on the upcoming election

One thing about the local election is that candidates are generally accessible. I sure try to be. The flip side is that most candidates also work for a living and have lives to lead. That is certainly the case with me. Even though I have taken vacation time all this week, I have been tied up with so many small details, I have had little time to campaign as planned. It is simply a part of life. Then again, many things have not gone as planned for me this campaign season. The election is just five days away and I am spending yet another day away from the "campaign trail". I just got another five hundred flyers printed up and I am hoping to be able to get some of them out. I certainly have not had the opportunity to knock on doors as I had previously planned.

Ah, I am back. I know that you didn't know I had to go answer my cell phone, but a good friend of mine called. Her husband is a buddy of mine. He is going in for surgery today at the V.A. hospital in Durham. I am going to the hospital to see him in a few hours. I know it is campaign season, but a dear friend is in a time of need, so I am going to be with him for a bit today. Friends are the family that you choose. I know that it sounds cliche, but it is the truth. This couple is family to me, so I am going to be with family today. It may take some away from my campaign time, but family is worth it to me. Win or lose the election, these people will still be in my life.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand and the train of though that I had started to derail. I plan on being at one of the two polling places on Tuesday. My wife will be at the other. We may alternate our locations, but I don't know at present. If you have not had the chance to meet me at Railroad Days, throughout the course of your travels, read enough about me in the local newspapers, read enough on this web site, etc. to get to know me sufficiently to vote for me, then I encourage you to call me, email me, visit me, have me visit you, whatever. My cell phone number is 919-623-7649. I usually have it with me everywhere I go (except in the hospital today, where it is not allowed). My email link is at the right of this page. You are welcome to ask me questions and just plain get to know me better.

Thank you for your vote. My recommendation on voting this year? There are two men and two women running for town council. The men are both proven conservatives that have stated officially that holding the line on town spending and keeping taxes low are priorities. I am not real sure where one woman stands on many of the issues, and another believes that our crime issues will be solved by building more parks. I see more parks as giving more places for crime to take place, since that is where much of our drug dealing is happening. I would rather take the criminals off the street and give them orange uniforms to wear and a room mate named Bubba. I believe that it is time for men like Tommy Holmes and myself to take the lead along side Gary Jackson and Jeff Weaver in our town council.

I will say no to profligate spending and non essentials that would take priority over essential services. I will say yes to maintaining our infrastructure. That means that we need to keep the electricity, water, and sewer flowing. Fires need to be put out, and criminals need to be put in jail. Essential services come first, including maintaining and improving these things. We have sewer mains made out of terra cotta (the stuff clay pots are made of) that are decrepit and are a century old. We have fire hydrants that are insufficient and need replacement. We have new wells that we need to tie into our existing water supply.

Selma done a good job of planning in some areas. I was glad to hear how we are handling some areas of financial planning and wish to continue that smart planning. I have talked with our fire and police department leaders, our water department, and town manager about their priorities. I take this job seriously, and I hope that you will give me the opportunity to do so.

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