Sunday, September 24, 2006

East Coast Old Furniture Festival

The wife and I went to "uptown" Selma today to see the East Coast Old Furniture Festival. There were some booths along Railroad Street and at TWM Antique Mall (the former Pepsi plant) grounds. We did meet a few people who are column readers. One individual did not seem overly interested in introductions, but did call out a barb at me, which is fine. If you ever watch the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), one thing that wrestlers want is either a huge positive or negative reaction. Neutrality or indifference is death in that industry. I sort of look at it in that same way.

I saw one thing that interested me, which was an ancient Eastman Kodak camera from early in the 20th Century. It was cool to see that. Other than that, nothing else really interested me, certainly not for the prices asked.

We left uptown and went to the Cotton Mill to the auction house. We drove away from there with a station wagon full of items for under $40.

While sitting inside the nice dry auction building, the town got douched with a huge downpour. I kept thinking that I was glad that I was not at the Old Furniture Festival at the moment, but feeling bad for all the dealers, visitors, and others involved with the show. A lot of furniture and other assorted items were all outside. Many were under tents, but the wind was strong and the rain heavy. I hope that all went well.

Pursuant to that trip uptown, I have written my next "LaPlante's Rants" column. This should be interesting.


Anonymous said...

Same ole Hunt. Still stupid after all these years! What an idiot!

Troy LaPlante said...

I think you got the wrong individual post for the comment, but I get it.