Sunday, July 09, 2006

New look

I spent the majority of the day sitting in front of the computer. I meant to do some work outside today, but I started playing with web sites, web design, different software tools, playing with Blogger templates, customizing the template, etc. I also played with some photo presentations that I tried to put on this blog as part of the template, but it didn't work out so good. Instead, I ended up creating a static strip in PrintShop, changing the content, adjusting the size to fit the template, etc. Of course there were a few unintended consequences along the way that required figuring out why things were as they were and fixing them.

Then, I had a bit more inspiration and worked on other seemingly meanless projects on the computer. At least I have learned some things along the way. I know that my fence doesn't get any more clean when I am in front of the computer, but I do have a few more tools at my disposal now.

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